
I am an artist, designer and workshop trainer interested in technology, digital media and culture.
On this website I show some of my commercial and artistic projects, provide educational material and information about myself.
Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you are interested in an Arduino or Processing workshop.

Martin Bircher

"Type Case" installation in a the Digital Revolution: Exhibition Publication

27. August 2014
The "Type Case" installation can be found on the pages 122 and 123 in the Barbican's "Digital Revolution: Exhibition Publication".
The next station for the installation to be seen, is in Stockholm, Sweden (24. October 2014 – 30. August 2015).


Digital Revolution
Digital Revolution – 3 Jul - 14 Sep 2014

2. May 2014
The "Type Case" installation will be shown in Barbicans's Digital Revolution exhibition.
Digital Revolution is the most comprehensive presentation of digital creativity ever to be staged in the UK.
This immersive and interactive exhibition brings together for the first time a range of artists, filmmakers, architects, designers, musicians and game developers, all pushing the boundaries of their fields using digital media. It also looks at the dynamic developments in the areas of creative coding and DIY culture and the exciting creative possibilities offered by augmented reality, artificial intelligence, wearable technologies and 3-D printing.
Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London, UK

The Barbican – Digital Revolution
Photo by Rich
Solo exhibition: 28. September – 28. October 2012

18. September 2012
My newest work can be seen 28. September – 28. October 2012 at the KOUTA-galleria in the Kouvola Art Museum.

Processing Workshop at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

10. May 2012
Last week I kept a Processing workshop for teachers at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Tijuana, Mexico. It was a pleasure! I am thankful for the great interest and the warm hospitality.

Lucha Libre
Photo by Brenda Jiménez
Back from Mexico

15. November 2011
I just came back from my two-weeks lasting trip to North America. I have been invited to keep an Arduino workshop called "Technology and Art" at the "Academia de San Carlos" in Mexico City.
What a great experience!

Academia de San Carlos
"Type Case" installation featured in a book

30. May 2011
My "Type Case" installation is featured with a whole spread in "A Touch of Code: Interactive Installations and Experiences" from the "Gestalten" Publisher.
I got my copy today and I like it a lot.

A Touch of Code
Photos of electronics parts for download

27. December 2010
I took some photographs for one of my arduino workshops, which I would like to share.
All images are in Adobe RGB 1998 and their resolution is high enough for print.
You can find the images on the Downloads page.
